It’s High Noon for the United States

Charlottesville Has Upset the Applecart

By Mike Booth

Confederate Monuments Protest

How Much of a Threat Is the Right to Bear Arms?

I’ve been following for most of my life, as I suppose most of us have, the debate/controversy/conflict over Americans’ second amendment right “to bear arms.” In the end I decided to shelve the issue along with cholesterol, transgenders in the military and monosodium glutamate in everything. It seemed to me, frankly, something of a tempest in a teapot. Sure, the odd teenager raised on Prozac would shoot his entire family and liquor stores would have to reinforce their security measures, but I couldn’t conceive of gun-toting Americans posing a life-or-death threat to their own country. Continue reading “It’s High Noon for the United States”